
Yoga therapy

The fundamental idea behind the practice of Yoga is to unite the individual self (Jiva) with the supreme or pure consciousness (Brahma). The factual connotation of Yoga is unification. Merging in this static realism liberates the spirit from all sense of separation. It liberates the mind from the ignorance of time, space and causation. However, as Yogic philosophy says, the human body and mind are parts of the deceptive world of matter, with a limited period, whereas the spirit is endless and passes onto a new world when this body dies. Therefore, fundamental to Yogic philosophy are the concepts of Karma- cause and effect relationship.

In the present view, Yoga is one of the most helpful and healthy forms of experience to manage the influence of thinking by turning psychological and physical force into spiritual energy. Yoga therapy eases oneself from the cramped tension. Concentration is enhanced by Yoga. Yoga therapy cures all diseases and controls the aging process.

Benefits of Yoga Therapy

There are two types of benefits of yoga. One is preventive and another is curative. Yoga therapy helps to carry natural regulation and controls to the neuro-hormones and metabolism in the body. At the same time yoga therapy improves endocrine metabolism and provides a precautionary shelter. The Yogic exercises rinse body, mind and soul by venting toxins from the body.

Swati and Rajiv Chanchani established the Yog-Ganga center for Yoga studies in June 1988. The aims behind this center are to sponsor the study of Yoga in the ritual of the revered sagacious Patanjali. Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar the famous Yoga-Master is the teacher at this center. The Yoga center is located in a peaceful, forested town of Deharadun district known as Old Raipur. The town is nestled in the lower side of Himalayas. The center houses a specially planned building structured of bricks and locally mined marble. There is a well-planned 1500 sq ft hall in the building. Apart from that, there is a library, a venue for lectures and demonstrations, a reception and a changing room in the Yoga center. Asana and Pranayam are taught in Yoga training.

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Ayurveda Resorts said...

Informative post regarding yoga therapy. According to me The human life is full of pleasure, pains, stress, and strain. As well as man is affected by environments, social structures, competition & never ending struggles. Yoga exercise is very helpful for human to carry natural regulation.

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